

deb barrett webinarsYou can stay on top of design industry trends, technology and product knowledge by attending my webinars. Most of the webinars are CEU accredited. There are two ways to learn online with me:

  • Live
  • On Demand

LIVE Webinars

I schedule live webinars monthly on a broad range of design topics, Get in depth, focused knowledge and content. Check back for my coming attractions .

ON DEMAND Webinars

Check out my lineup of on demand webinars. Loads of new topics in 2024!

Learn about the most relevant matters facing the design industry today (case in point – the rise of wellness as an opportunity) and take home essential insights and tools to further your own business. So, grab a beverage, pull up a chair and start watching at your convenience- online and on demand!

Here’s just a portion of our On Demand Learning Library, You can see the complete library HERE.

Wellness in Design: A Wide Open Market

Textile’s New Language

Connect the Dots

World Tour: Smart Designs from the World’s Markets

Who is the New Design Client and Where are They Hiding?


Wellness and Window Coverings

Textile Tech Support

Textile Crash Course Part 1

Textile Crash Course Part 2

Textile Trend Watch

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Window Coverings

Top 20 Window Fashion Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The Buzz About Deb’s Webinars

As usual, your presentation was fast paced and chunked full of great information and cause for incorporating into live jobs now!  I was completely absorbed in your presentation. Thank you so much for giving me a jolt of creativity which I seriously needed. You never disappoint!  Excellent, succinct webinar. Thanks very much!      Lauren Buell

Deb, I so enjoyed the webinar yesterday. I could’ve spent three more hours listening to stories about designers and their styles.Thank you for presenting the seminar. I look forward to next week’s with great anticipation.        Sallie Smith

Deb – I thought your presentation today was your best ever!  You offer cutting edge useful selling  insight to  our Network members  that they need to have to set them apart.  Carl Movrich

Dear Deb,

This was by far one of the BEST webinars I have ever attended!  I received more than my money’s worth! Thank you .

Angela M. Britt, Owner and Interior Designer, Deziner Originals

Hi Deb-

I found your presentation one of the most interesting I have attended in a long time. All this technology is so impressive …I wonder where you find the time to keep on top of it all. I have started “dabbling” and love Evernote.  Thanks.       Gordon,  Gordon’s Window Decor

Haven’t done online learning before? Wondering how it works? These questions and more are answered HERE.